Thank you for visiting! I’m an applied economist with a focus on public and health economics. I received my Ph.D. in 2024 from the Department of Economics at the University of Bern. From September 2023 to March 2024, I had the privilege of being a visiting researcher at the Wharton School at UPenn.

You can download my Resume here.

Working Papers

The Apple Does Not Fall Far From the Tree: Intergenerational Persistence of Dietary Habits

[ Download ] with Martina Pons (Revise & Resubmit, The Review of Economics and Statistics)

Inadequate diets harm individual health, generate substantial healthcare costs, and reduce labor market income. Yet, the determinants of unhealthy eating remain poorly understood. This paper provides novel evidence on the intergenerational transmission of dietary choices from parents to children by exploiting unique grocery transaction records matched with administrative data. We document a strong intergenerational persistence of diet that exceeds income transmission across all measures we consider. At the same time, substantial heterogeneities in the persistence of diet indicate that the socioeconomic background and location of children may be crucial to fostering beneficial eating habits and breaking unhealthy ones. We discuss potential mechanisms and show in a counterfactual analysis that only 10% of the intergenerational persistence in diet can be explained by the transmission of income and education. In line with these results, we introduce a habit formation model and argue that the formation of dietary habits during childhood and their slow alteration are key drivers of our findings.

Cross-Border Shopping: Evidence from Household Transaction Records

[ Abstract | Download ] (Reject & Resubmit, Regional Science and Urban Economics)

Spatial Frictions in Retail Consumption

[ Abstract | Download ] with Maximilian von Ehrlich and Tobias Seidel

Determinants of Online Shopping Behavior

[ Abstract | Download ] with Maximilian von Ehrlich

Does new housing supply benefit the poor? Evidence from moving chains

with Lukas Hauck

Other Writing

Food for Thought - Consumer Mobility and Nutritional Choices (Thesis)

[ Abstract | Link ]

Arbeit und Kapital in Zeiten der Wissensgesellschaft (in German)

[ Link ] with Guido Baldi

Firmenersparnisse und der Arbeitsanteil am Einkommen (in German)

[ Link ] with Guido Baldi